Literally mi bylo 10 skjksjdk

A failed mission

He stepped out of a train onto a busy platform, experiencing such a strange emotion which he hasn't felt before. Ironically, this is the thing he used to do every week as a young adult in his college years. Simply visiting his girlfriend after hard days at university. He had studied technology. The biggest dream of his was to come up with something new. Something, which is unimaginable for people. Whereas other students had found hard to keep up with the work they already had, he would have had regularly shorten his sleep even more with creating a time machine. How stupid that sounds, right? But don't underestimate him yet. He had a good reason. 

Once he exited the train station, He went down the alley which was too familiar to him. It brought so much memories he wasn't even able to hold back his tears. Luckily, not many people were walking through this path. It was considered a dangerous place, but he was never bothered until it had affected his life. He could've avoid it as he usually does, but he didn't care now. However, the feeling of discombobulation didn't leave him unattended.

In a few minutes, he was standing in front of the house. The house, where his lovely girlfriend lived her whole life. He rang the door and immediately started to feel nervous. It was now or never.
"Here we go" he said to himself before the door opened. As expected, a beautiful, young lady answered the door. He could get lost in her eyes even after all of this time. Even after a half of a century. 
The problem was, she didn't recognize him. Furthermore, she seemed like she wanted to close the door any second.

You see, the moment which had affected his life in that alley – the one which I told you about before – was the path where he had watched his girlfriend die. He couldn't have had saved her and he hated himself for that. The feeling of dissatisfaction was haunting him for years. He dedicated his whole life to his idea of making a time machine, so he could save her. And he's made it. In his sixties, he's discovered the way to make his plan successful. He's made a time machine. However, he wasn't that handsome young man anymore. He was an unhealthy slim, weak and objectively unattractive old man. He could be her grandpa at this moment.

"It might seem crazy, but please, listen" 
he started his speech explaining everything. After he finished, she didn't really seem convinced. To make matters worse, she thought he's ridiculous and wasn't afraid to say it out loud. He felt miserably. He had sacrificed his whole life for her, spent ages in his own laboratory, with no kids, wife or friends. Everything what mattered to him was her. And he couldn't save her, once again. 
"Jasmine, I really want to make things right. I really want the best..." 
He wasn't able to finish his sentence. She closed the door and bursted out laughing.
Měla jsem nutkání se podělit s tímto příběhem, který vznikl jako nepovinné zadání do školy s určitými podmínkami (počáteční a konečná věta, určité spojovací výrazy,..) Třeba si to nikdo nepřečte, a to je v pohodě. Jen jsem měla pocit, že po sedmi letech třeba někomu to upozornění blikne a rád se na to podívá. Třeba se tu s něčím podělím ještě někdy jindy. ^^
- Váš vejísek <3


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